Go out on a STEM

Go out on a STEM

28 Jun 2019

Do you know what STEM means? Nope, we aren’t talking about the kind on a tree…we’re talking about the cool kind that includes Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math. In 2001, the National Science Foundation introduced STEM and it has only grown from there. You probably have learned all about it at school and even gotten to do some hands-on projects. Did you know that the STEM field extends far beyond your school’s walls? That’s right, you can use it at home, too! Here are some cool ways to introduce STEM to your family and incorporate it into your everyday routine.

  • Do at-home science experiments. This can be as simple as a homemade volcano or as complex as coding your own video game! And, yes, science experiments include making everyone’s favorite: slime.
  • Play with your food. You don’t get a free pass on this very often, so take advantage of it now. Incorporate science into your food by cooking a meal. Measurements, the physical change of the food, and consumption for burning energy are all products of STEM. Grab some marshmallows and toothpicks and construct a model of your favorite building or bridge…then enjoy it as a snack!
  • Use your math. Math is all around you! Keep a small notebook and configure things like how much milk you pour (you don’t want to pour too much), what angle your bedroom door is open to, how much of the bottle of shampoo you used in the shower…these are all mathematical equations! Gather the family and prepare a meal together…measurements and cooking are all STEM-related.
  • Enroll in some cool STEM courses. Not the boring ones at school, but the cool ones like one of our STEM classes! There’s no better way to learn than with LEGO® Bricks. You can also check your local library or museum for cool STEM offerings.
  • Make learning fun! If you aren’t happy with the STEM offerings you have around the house, take charge of your science ship and steer yourself to fun. Create your own flashcards and reference the Periodic Table. Invent your own game or use pieces from existing games to make them STEM-related. Let your imagination take you away!

This is your chance to go out on a STEM and learn exciting new skills that can benefit you later on. There are so many careers under the STEM umbrella; where will learning take you?

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