Bricks 4 Kidz &ev=PageView&noscript=1' />
Bricks 4 Kidz Bossier City - Shreveport
(318) 734-5346
Welcome to Bricks 4 Kidz!

Parents know that we are THE place for the best elementary S.T.E.A.M. Camps and Classes in Louisiana. At Bricks 4 Kidz, our programs provide an extraordinary atmosphere that parents love and where students build unique creations, play exciting games, and have loads of fun building with LEGO® elements. Our fun activities are designed to trigger children’s lively imaginations and build their self-confidence. Your kids will thank you for sending them to one of our classes or camps!

For our after-school classes, students must attend the school where the class is offered. If we don't have an after-school class at your location, let us know and we can work together to bring our LEGO engineering program to your school.

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