Introduce Engineering Concepts to Children

Introduce Engineering Concepts to Children

08 Nov 2019

If you think it’s too early to introduce engineering concepts to your kids, think again! Engineering education doesn’t have to wait until college or even high school! Some basic concepts can be adapted to any facet of life and can be super helpful for young kids to learn. Teaching your kids to use their creativity and problem solving skills to help the world around them sets them up for success in the long run!



Here are four tips to help you introduce engineering to your child or children at an early age:


1) Get them thinking about how things are made


Almost everything around us was created by an engineer. Try encouraging your kids to ask questions about who created their favorite electronics, toys, and other inventions and how they created them. This can spark their imagination early on and help them realize engineering is a path they may want to pursue in the future. 


2) Ask your kids what topics in school interest them and relate those to engineering


Engineering can be related to pretty much any subject, not just math and science. Does your kid love art class? Teach them about architecture and civil engineering. They may not realize that they can combine the arts with S.T.E.M. education in some really fun and interesting ways!


3) Provide them with toys and games that encourage engineering concepts


It’s no secret that we love LEGO Bricks! There are plenty of toys and games out there that can teach complex concepts to kids in a fun way. With the right activities, your kids won’t even realize they’re learning; it’ll just feel like playtime! Here are some great resources for S.T.E.M. based LEGO projects. 


4) Enroll them in programs that teach S.T.E.M. principles in fun ways

You’re not alone when it comes to educating your kids on S.T.E.M. topics. Plenty of programs exist with that very purpose in mind. We have fun and enriching programs for schools, afterschool, summer camps, birthday parties, and even preschoolers! Check out all of our programs here.

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