Be sure to put summer break on your schedule

Be sure to put summer break on your schedule

11 Apr 2019

"What's the greatest thing about school being in session?" If you ask the kids, the answer would be "nothing," but we feel a little differently! The great part about school days is the routine. During the school year, everyone knows when bedtime is, what time to wake up, and what to expect during the day. However, during the summer, that all disappears. The good news is that it doesn't have to…with our simple suggestions and a few ideas from you, your family can be on somewhat of a routine all summer long!

  • Start small! Unless your kids adapt to change easily, it's best to ease into a schedule, adjusting it until you have perfection. Tinker with sleep schedules, play time, etc until you find a nice fit for your family.
  • Don't forget that not all schedules are created equal! Getting up at 7:00 am may be perfect for your toddler, but your teenager may want to sleep in a bit more (and stay up later!). Same goes for eating schedules and add-ins like naptime and snack time. Assign chores according to task-ability and don't forget to factor in the amount of time it takes (For example, it may take your 7-year-old longer to sweep the floor than it does your 14-year-old).
  • Set times for just about everything, but be willing to accept that they may not always work out the way you planned. Make a schedule that includes a time to wake up, time for meals, playtime (both electronic and regular), time for learning (reading, music, etc), and extracurricular activities, such as one of our classes!
  • Be prepared. Besides putting your schedule in writing for easy reference, think ahead about the next day's activities. Gather craft materials, layout outfits, or get the ingredients together for dinner... a minute saved is a minute they could be doing something fun!
  • Let them have a voice in their own schedule. Let your kids have a say in what they do throughout the day. Encourage them to look online for fun things to play, select what books they want to read from the library, or let them choose what Bricks4Kidz camp to sign up for!

A schedule isn't a guarantee for a smooth-sailing summer, but it will help when the new school year arrives and you have to get into habits once again! Be patient, make room for slip-ups and lazy days, and, most of all, don't forget to join in! Who knows…it may make your life easier, too?

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